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- AsterWin IE v1.03
- Copyright ⌐ 2002 - 2004 Nir Sofer
- Web Site: www.nirsoft.net
- Description
- ===========
- When you login into a web site with user name and password, you sometimes
- have the option to store the password in your computer. If you choose to
- save the password, in the next time that we'll visit this site, the
- password field will be automatically filled with your password, but you
- won't be able to view it, because the password-box shows the password as
- sequence of asterisks (****).
- This utility reveals the passwords stored behind the asterisks in the web
- pages of Internet Explorer 5.0 and above. You can use it for recovering a
- lost web site password, if it's stored on your computer.
- License
- =======
- This utility is released as freeware. You are allowed to freely
- distribute this utility via floppy disk, CD-ROM, Internet, or in any
- other way, as long as you don't charge anything for this. If you
- distribute this utility, you must include all files in the distribution
- package including the source code, without any modification !
- You are not allowed to combine this utility with a commercial product in
- any way !
- Disclaimer
- ==========
- The software is provided "AS IS" without any warranty, either expressed
- or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
- merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The author will not
- be liable for any special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages
- due to loss of data or any other reason.
- System Requirements
- ===================
- * Windows 95/98/ME or Windows NT/2000/XP with Internet Explorer 5.0 or
- above.
- * VB6 Runtime files.
- File List
- =========
- The AsterWin IE package contains the following files:
- readme.txt
- The Readme text file.
- asterie.chm
- The help file you're reading now !
- asterie.exe
- The utility executable.
- asterie.vbp
- Visual Basic project file.
- asterie.frm
- Visual Basic Form files.
- asterie.frx
- The Visual Basic form and project files (the files in green color) are
- required only if want to run this utility from Visual Basic environment.
- Installing AsterWin IE
- ======================
- AsterWin IE was written in Visual Basic language and requires the Visual
- Basic runtime files in order to run properly. this package also includes
- the source code of this utility.
- If Visual Basic (version 5.0 or 6.0) is installed on your computer, you
- can easily run this utility as executable file or in the Visual Basic
- environment (by using the source code).
- If you don't have Visual Basic installed on your computer, follow the
- instructions below:
- 1. Try to run the executable: asterie.exe .
- 2. If the executable is running properly without any error messages
- about missing files, you can use it without any further installations.
- If you receive any error message when you try to run this utility,
- continue to the next instruction.
- 3. Download the VB6 runtime files. you can find them in the following
- web sites:
- * At Microsoft Web site:
- http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/release.asp?releaseid=28337&area=to
- p&ordinal=23
- * At Simtel.Net Web site: http://www.simtel.net/vbrun.php
- ,download the "VB6 Runtime Modules".
- 4. Install the VB6 Runtime files on your computer.
- 5. After the installation is completed, you'll be able run and use the
- "AsterWin IE" utility.
- Using AsterWin IE
- =================
- In order to recover stored web site password, follow the instructions
- below:
- 1. Open Internet Explorer, and go to the login page of the web site
- that you want to recover its password.
- 2. Type your login name. If the password in stored on your computer, a
- sequence of asterisks will appear in the password field.
- 3. Run the asterie.exe and click the "Show Internet Explorer
- Passwords" button. The utility will scan all opened Internet Explorer
- windows, and the password will be revealed after a few seconds.
- Known Problems
- ==============
- If you close one of the Internet Explorer windows while this utility is
- searching for a password, you might get an error message, and the windows
- scanning will be stopped. In such cases, wait a few seconds and then
- start the scanning again.
- Versions History
- ================
- 01/06/2004
- 1.03
- A little change to make the scanning process a little faster.
- 09/03/2003
- 1.02
- Fixed bug: "Error 70: Permission Denied" problem.
- 17/06/2002
- 1.01
- Fixed bug: "Access is denied" error in some Web sites.
- 02/03/2002
- 1.00
- First Release
- Feedback
- ========
- If you have any problem, suggestion, comment, or you found a bug in my
- utility, you can send a message to nirsofer@yahoo.com